OPEN PLAN P3-the marathon Darren Almond, Jason Brooks, Angus Fairhurst, Liam Gillick, Brian Griffiths, Gerard Hemsworth, Emma Kay, Goshka Macuga, D J Simpson, Keith Tyson, Dimitra Vamiali, Richard Woods OPEN PLAN P3- the marathon is a group exhibition which takes place in two galleries, Alphadelta and Artio, sharing the same building, in the centre of Athens curated by Dimitra & Sofia Vamiali. The exhibition will present significant works of some of the most important artists of international artscene, presented for first time in Greece. An artist´s initiative OPEN PLAN P3- the marathon avoids a thematical approach. It deals with the notions of strategy and poetry, pragmatism and idealism. Manifestations of artistic potentialities. acrylique sur toile. Brian Griffiths |